Monday, February 11, 2008

GUH! Its only Febuary!

I want it to be summer. I'm totally sick of these crappy cold tempertures. I hate getting up from a nice warm, to go start my freezing cold car....then go back into that nice warm bed and wish I didn't have to go back out in the cold! Anyways, I'm super excited for Penn State. It's going to be waaaaay super fun and a nice little long deserved break.

On another note! Harlee's been sleeping with us everynight. It's actually going really well. She sleeps from about 10pm til about 6pm. The good thing is, she usually cuddles up next to be and pokes Ryan in the back with her super long legs. He usually ends up getting pushed on the floor. TEHE! I think its cool though. Its time for her to be an inside dog. That garage just isn't cutting it for her.


Nonie's birthday is today. Shes freaking 21! Where the hell did the time go? It seems like only yesterday we were like 9 yearsold, singing "The boy is mine" on her karaoke machine. Good times! So i'm going out to dinner with the fam and her which should be fun. I love that family to death.

HaPPy Birthday NONIE!!!!


Avery's Mom said...

Yeah. I'm the first to write on you blog. That means I'm pretty cool...serious though I am jealous of your pretty blog!

Jody W said...

Boring! Can't you write about anything else? Something that might be more exciting, like getting new tires on your car? Or write about going on 7 day long heroin binges. That would be exciting.